torsdag 16 maj 2013

The life and death of Danish Family Medicine monopoly

Just a few years ago the Swedish pharmacy monopoly was deemed illegal by the EU courts and the Swedish state had to do away with it. These days an awesome development is under way in Denmark. In this very small country the Family Physicians (USA) / General Practitioners (UK) / Distriktsläkare (SE) / Alment Praktiserende Læger (DK)  have for the past many years had a defacto monopoly right to operating and owning Family Medicine Clinics (USA) / GP Surgeries (UK) / Vårdcentraler (SE) / Almen Praksis (DK). This has excluded other healthcare companies, smaller or larger, from competing in a market where people are used to receiving relatively poor service, just like you would see it in any other monopoly situation. Hence it is SUPER positive that the Danish Government seems to be attempting to open up this market to other professional stakeholders. There is a need to evolve towards larger units, which may be able to provide a greater range of services and better physical and phone accessibility. Look at how things are done in Sweden. Frit Vårdval, which is a close copy of Free Choice introduced in UK some years ago, is not a perfect model, but has without a doubt introduced improved services to the patients/clients. Everyone interested in operating a successful healthcare organization these days, better realize that focusing on client/patient experience is growing in importance, not decreasing. We are many following the development in Denmark, hoping for the evolvement of a competitive patient/client focused model.

Just like the Roman Empire came down 
so is the monopoly of Danish Family
Physicians of operating GP Surgeries 

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